ISSM State of the Art webinar on Ageing, chronic illness and sexual health Globally, the number of older persons is growing faster than the number of people in all younger age groups. Given that sexual health is a…
ISSM Webinar on Optimizing outcomes for penile prostheses In this webinar the moderators will present cases to which a distinguished panel of experts will try and defend what they would do, not do…
The Sins of Scientific Publishing: Publication Ethics in 2020 This fifth ISSM webinar organized jointly with the Journal of Sexual Medicine (JSM) took place on October 29, 2020 and is titled: “The Sins…
ISSM Webinar: ‘Over Four Decades – the Growth and History of the ISSM’ State of the Art Lecture by Dr. Ronald W. Lewis ‘Over Four Decades – the Growth and History of the ISSM’
ISSM Webinar on Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) This third ISSM Webinar took place on Thursday, August 23, 2020 through ZOOM. Over 200 participants attended the webinar live. The…
Joint ISSM-JSM Webinar on “SEX & COVID-19: THE STATE OF THE SCIENCE” This first joint ISSM-JSM Webinar took place on Thursday, June 25, 2020 through ZOOM and was moderated by moderated by John P. Mulhall, MD,…
Bibliotherapy May Have Value, But More Research is Needed Bibliotherapy may benefit patients with sexual dysfunction, but more study is needed, according to a recent review in the Journal of Sexual…
Study: Female Sexual Dysfunction After Pelvic Fracture Needs Attention Painful sex and other sexual problems are common in women after a pelvic fracture, according to a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine review.…
Social Support Lacking for People with Gender Dysphoria People with gender dysphoria may not receive the social support they need, a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine study suggests. They are…